Have you heard about Peach? Peach is new social app created by Vine Co-founder Dom Hofmann.
The app is a sort of a mix between Twitter and Slack. After you create an account and a handle and add some friends, you view a stream of updates from the people you’re connected with. From the home screen updates look a bit like tweets or status updates, though tapping into a friend’s post reveals much more.
— Mashable
Chris Messina – Developer Experience Lead at Uber said, “Magic Words are the interesting differentiator here“. I think Magic Words is new cool UX, we don’t need use more icons to add something in your status. Peach just use 2 icons (actually one – camera icon, the other one is button “Post”) in your profile page. But you can add 20 actions with Magic Words, pretty cool, huh?
Ok, let me make a list What I Love from Peach;
Image credit from official Peach Website