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  • Shape Up
    Shape Up: Stop Running in Circles and Ship Work that Mattersby Ryan Singer, Jason Fried
April 28th, 2013

#TIL How to Buy Computer Accessories in Computer Square?

Today I bought external hard drive at Dieng Computer Square (DCS). Before I decided to buy external hard drive there, I search price comparation on Kaskus. The result is the prices are almost same with offline store on DCS if we add it with shipping cost, even though some shops on Kaskus are more expensive than offline store on DCS.

I just compared one offline store in DCS with some online shops on Kaskus, and this is another problem for someone who want to get the lowest cost :D. So I’ve to compare the price from some shops on DCS before I decide to buy external hard drive from the shop. I pick 5 random shops and found 4 different prices from them. I didn’t have specific criteria when I pick 5 random shops, I just pick shops from different location, 2 shops from 1st floor and 3 shops from 2nd floor. On the 2nd floor I pick 2 big shops with their own room and the last is small shop on center area, it doesn’t has a room, it share with another shops on the center area.

What did I get from random shops pick? I got shocked result (maybe it’s little hyperbola :) ), I can get the lowest price and good service from the small shop on the center area. When I asked about the hard drive I felt satisfied enough with his answer. The style of shop keeper is different with the others, he is like a hardcore musician, because when I go to his shop he plays hardcore music loudly, wear black tee with skull decoration and short pants, and his face is like Baron (Indonesian guitarist) :D.

After I made a payment to complete transaction, he was offering me to make partition for external hard drive, and I said yes, because it was a service. He delivered me to the other shop to make hard drive partition. And you know what? That shop is one of big shop that I’ve been visited to ask about hard drive price. Hmm… I’m just curious is he the owner? And I asked to big shop keeper “is it his shop?” he answered “yes!” and he continued to make the partition.

So today I learn about how to buy computer accessories on computer square.

  1. Don’t be trusted about shop shape (big or small), sometimes small shop will give you lower price.
  2. Look at the style of shop keeper. Is it like the owner or employee. If he is the owner you’ll get lower price.

How about you? Do you have another tips when you want to buy computer accessories on computer square? Please share with me :).

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